
《中国人口·资源与环境(英文版)》| Fan et al:畜禽养殖污染对健康风险的影响:来自中国农村生猪养殖案例的实证



Abstract: With the rapid development of livestock and poultry breeding industries, pollution problems caused by the discharge of wastewater and manure have become increasingly severe. However, studies on the impacts of this pollution on rural residents’ health are lacking. Based on data from the Peking University's China Family Panel Studies in 2010 and 2014, this paper uses a cross-sectional and panel data probit model to estimate the probability of breeding industry development in rural areas increasing the health risks of local villagers. First, the study found that the more households engaged in breeding in the region or the larger the scale of regional breeding, the higher the health risks to local villagers, particularly in areas where pigs are raised. Second, compared with individual farming, the greater the proportion of large-scale farming, the higher the health risks to villagers. Third, the development of the breeding industry seldom includes the ecological recycling of wastes and fails to reduce the use of local pesticides and fertilizers, thereby increasing the health risks to villagers. Therefore, this paper argues that providing technology to process breeding industry waste and establish an organic industrial production chain will be crucial to reducing the impact of breeding industry pollution on human health.

Key words: FarmingPollutionHealth riskRural areas

《中国人口·资源与环境》英文版以促进中国与世界的可持续发展为办刊宗旨,关注生态文明建设、全球气候变化、全球环境治理、人类命运共同体、资源环境经济与管理、绿色能源转型、人口–资源–环境关联问题等研究领域,搭起了中外可持续发展交流的桥梁。2015年被Elsevier SCOPUS数据库收录。此次英文版入选中国科技核心期刊目录,为进入SCI/SSCI、建设可持续发展领域国际知名期刊奠定了更加坚实的基础。影响因子为0.338。



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